Adams Olive Ranch

Adams Olive Ranch

What Are The Trench Boxes And How To Use Them Safely

Digging trenches is an important part of several constructions. These trenches can be utilized to install telephone lines, pipes, as well as any other tubular structure which must be buried beneath the ground, like oil drills. Trenching in these places is often difficult due to the amount of moisture present. It’s not simple to get rid of all dirt and dirt particles around objects, but it’s extremely dangerous to expose skin to the risk of.

Trenchboxes are necessary to any type of construction or repair that must be done on the ground. They are able to stop the collapse of a structure based on the materials and soil quality. Trench boxes are constructed out of steel/aluminum frames that temporarily secure them prior to excavation begins. The grout is secured between two layers if necessary, so it is not cracked when installed at the level of the site.

Pre Installation

Before digging prior to digging, it’s important to know the risks you could face. This includes knowledge of what equipment will be necessary and how many persons will need access, as well as thinking about whether there may exist other means by which the task could be done without risking life and the limb (such procedures that require minimal intervention). Also, a full risk assessment must be conducted during the pre-excavation inspection to ensure that all dangers can be easily identified prior the excavation. This helps avoid potential problems in the future.

It is also important to evaluate the trench’s depth. You will need the support of sloping or shoring, if you have a five feet of width. If the trench is 20 feet deep, it will require more engineering. This is due to the lack of straight sides at both ends. Every building that rises above the ground has to be thought of in terms of the potential for foundation moving.

A ladder, step, ramp or ladder must be used to access the trench. Access must be within 25 feet of workers during an emergency. The trench box may also be used to check for low oxygen levels, toxic gasses and other problems. The assembly of these articulated devices is simple, however they could increase the danger of stacking them over one another because it is impossible to know how high your piles will extend to their weak bottom.

Care: Caring to the trench

1. For any signs of movement or damage, make sure you look over the trench box daily.

2. Anyone working on the premises should wear their protective gear and have a steel-toed boots.

3. It is important to keep heavy tools and equipment at least three feet from the trench’s edge.


It’s more difficult to construct a trench then to take it out, as the earth that surrounds it moves. Chain slings are a good option to extract it as well as three techniques to assist you in this regard, one of which is using an overhead crane.

1. Straight Pull Straight Pull: This is the most fundamental of all extraction methods. You simply need to attach your sling at two points and then raise it out.

2. Half Pull: A half pull is used to fix the trench box to one side and lift as much as possible. This should allow you to remove all debris and dirt inside without causing too much damage to your garden.

3. Single Pull: Attach one leg of chain to the lifting or extraction point. Each panel will be raised in turn. Pull the lever to take away the trench box.

For more information, click trench box