Adams Olive Ranch

Adams Olive Ranch

New Website Design Trends That Can Help Your Business

Mobile First

Designers and developers are beginning to develop more websites using a mobile-first perspective as the majority of revenue now comes from that device. Developers and designers who are involved in web design and development should have prior experience in designing mobile-friendly websites. This is because it makes it simpler to design apps that are able to be used on smaller screens.

More Oblique/Organic Shapes

The April rains are bringing May flowers this is why you’re seeing more vibrant colours and rounded corners appearing on websites. Much like elements of design like profile avatars and form inputs backgrounds have also evolved out of using just 90deg angles , to create interest with unique perspectives that keep your customers engaged for longer than. It is essential to ensure that your website’s layout is consistent with current trends. This is a way to establish trust between potential customers and you.

More animations, interactions and interaction

jQuery and various web technologies are making animated websites more well-known. These scripts enable you to enhance your website beyond only a place to read printed text. They also allow interaction between users (and elements of the page) which was previously restricted by the limitations of images.

The web has become increasingly interactive. While not reverting back to the outdated design of the 1990s pages, page transitions, and sliding information panels are a great way to make your site appear more alive. These methods boost interactivity and direct traffic to revenue-generating activities, which can result in more visitors per visit (RPV).


Companies are trying to keep their websites’ traffic high and avoid having them transferred off-site and not be able to send them offsite, the HTML 5 tag is getting more well-known. There are a variety of platforms that allow you to host video content and even streaming. This has led more companies to decide they can accomplish this better than YouTube and other third-party providers. These tags allow your company’s videos seamlessly integrated into your site. They also provide you with a the possibility of a wider selection of options for playing.

Video Backgrounds

With video backgrounds in the ascendancy it is possible to use them to your advantage and increase the amount of time customers spend with you. Backgrounds that are video-based can boost conversion rates as they provide more information about a business within a smaller area than conventional images. It makes it more convenient for your customers to access videos, even if aren’t able to read text.

Background videos can be an effective method to boost branding and the number of people returning. The technique has been demonstrated in general, and also for specific kinds of backgrounds like video marketing or eCommerce content strategies to assist you in expanding your business with more time on your website while also increasing customer engagement levels.

For more information, click ecommerce website design