Adams Olive Ranch

Adams Olive Ranch

The Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana can be used to treat a variety of ailments and diseases. It’s basically the same thing as recreational marijuana, however it’s used for medical reasons therefore you will experience different effects on your body when taking both. They can aid in certain conditions like nausea or pain management from cancer treatments among other ailments. The cannabis plant is among the most thoroughly studied natural product for its capacity to create positive effects on humans. Three of the more than 100 substances that are found in marijuana have been investigated and determined. They comprise THC (a psychoactive component), cannabidiol, or CBD. These substances don’t produce altered-state results like highs. They instead ease symptoms such as pain and promote relaxation without anxiety.

What is medical marijuana used to treat?

Researchers are researching whether medical marijuana can be used to treat a wide spectrum of illnesses.

– Anxiety Disorder

– Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

– Autism

– Treatment for cancer, including chemotherapy for remission

– Crohn’s disease

– There is a neurological indication that there has been damages to the nerve tissue of the central nervous systems (brain-spinal chord) and it is related to intractable spasticity.

– Dyskinetic and spastic disorders

– Epilepsy

– Glaucoma


– Huntington’s Disease

What are the implications?

Medical marijuana is made up of dozens if not hundreds or thousands of different chemical ingredients. Cannabinoids which comprise one of many chemical ingredients used in medical marijuana have numerous benefits for those. These cannabinoids interact in many ways with our bodies. For example, they can reduce inflammation, anxiety, and pain. They also assist in controlling nausea associated with chemotherapy treatments. There’s still plenty of research underway on how medical cannabis is working in the present.

Is medical marijuana able to treat seizure disorders?

In light of the growing number of cases of people using medical marijuana to treat seizures, FDA approved Epidiolex, an extract made with CBDas a treatment for those suffering from chronic or difficult to treat conditions. Many people who tried the medication reported drastic reductions in the frequency of their seizures. The patients also reported significant improvements in other metrics, such as alertness or general health. Medical marijuana has its own risks, but it could provide hope to those who aren’t unsuccessful in finding relief from traditional treatments.

FDA has approved medical cannabis

Medical marijuana has been in the spotlight since its inception. Some believe medical marijuana has therapeutic benefits, while others worry it is a risk to misuse. However, there’s an increasing amount of research supporting the use of medical marijuana. FDA approved two cannabis-derived cannabinoid remedies, dronabinol, and nabilone (Cesamet) to treat nausea and vomiting that is caused by chemotherapy. FDA has approved a novel medication that contains pure CBD which is a chemical that is found in cannabis plants. This drug is utilized to treat seizures that result from two severe and rare forms of epilepsy. These new developments indicate that medical marijuana could eventually play a crucial role in treating many conditions. However, more research is needed to establish the extent of medical benefits. There are still a lot of questions about medical marijuana it’s important to know that medical marijuana can be beneficial to patients suffering from serious medical conditions.

For more information, click Medical marijuana card